
Love just is..

The most beautiful aspect of existence, invisible string that connects everything to everything in creation. 

We sometimes are so engrossed in being “right” and justifying that which soul knows otherwise, simply because the *need to prove* is higher than the need to understand.. 

Love is very simple, it is the only power to heal! It heals both the recipient and the giver..

When one is unstuck from their own idea of “how it should be”, the doors open up for healing… Life doesn’t come with a manual of how it’s supposed to be, we all have created our own! Spirituality is undoing THAT to go beyond our own set ideas and realise ONLY LOVE IS REAL! 

The beauty of real love is that it is not attached to the person, it exists within you. It’s a personal affair! Whether a relationship remains or not, becomes insignificant where love is real. You can continue loving someone, wishing well for them even after the relationship changes or ends. Real love is beyond expectation, judgement or desire, it emerges from a space of truth and remains untouched even after you move on in life. One could experience this love in a friendship, partner or family, the principle remains the same. Those who have experienced this kind of love, know that it is one of the highest kinds and purest in form.

The most precious gift from the divine to mankind I gift of love. 



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